MLD Vodder Technique Videos
Introduction & Stroke Techniques
MLD Lymphedema Treatment Sequences
Secondary Left Upper Extremity
Secondary Right Lower Extremity
Without Narration
Without Narration
Lymphedema Video
The Two Phase Therapy of Lymphedema
Anatomy and Physiology
Microvascular Fluid Exchange and the Revised Starling Principle. J. Rodney Levick and C. Charles Michel. Cardiovascular Research. 2010. 87, 198-210.
Contractile Physiology of Lymphatics. DC Zawieja. Lymphat Res Biol. 2009. 7(2):87-96. (Abstract Only)
Quantitative Lymph Imaging for Assessment of Lymph Function using Indocyanine Green Fluorescence Lymphography. N Unn, et al. Eur J Vasc Endovassc Surg. 2008. 36: 230-236.
Chronic Peripheral Oedema: The Critical Role of the Lymphatic System. PS Mortimer and JR Levick. Clinical Medicine. 2004. 4(5): 448-453.
Physiologic Aspects of Lymphatic Contractile Function: Current Perspectives. AA Gashev. Abstract in PubMed from Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2002. 979 (Dec): 178-87. (Abstract Only)
The Microcirculation and the Lymphatic System: Capillary Fluid Exchange, Interstitial Fluid, and Lymph Flow. Guyton A, Hall J. In: Textbook of Medical Physiology. 10th ed. 2000:162-174.
Lymphatic Drainage of the Upper Limb. Substitution Lymphatic Pathways. Leduc, A. Caplan, L. The European Journal of Lymphology and Related Problems 4.13 (1993).
Microlymphatics and Lymph Flow. GW Schmied-Schonbein. Abstract in PubMed from Physiol Rev. 1990. 70(4): 987-1028. (Abstract Only)
Lymphatic Medicine: Paradoxically and Unnecessarily Ignored ; S. Rockson. Lymphatic Research and Biology, 2017; Volume 15, Number 4.
Effect of Manual Lymph Drainage on Removal of Blood Lactate After Submaximal Exercise; Y. Bakar, et al. J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 2015. 27: 3387-3391.
Effects of Manual Lymph Drainage of the Neck on EEG in Subjects with Psychological Stress ; J. Shim, et al. J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 2014. 127-129.
Effects of Manual Lymph Drainage on the Activity of Sympathetic Nervous System, Anxiety, Pain, and Pressure Pain Threshold in Subjects with Psychological Stress ; S. Kim. J Korean Soc. Phys. Ther., 2014; Vol.26, No.6.
Lymphaticovenular Anastomosis to Prevent Cellulitis Associated with Lymphoedema ; M. Mihara, et al. BJS Society Ltd 2014; 101: 1391–1396.
Lymph Drainage in Pregnant Women ; S. Oportus, et al. Nursing Research and Practice, 2013; Article ID 3364582.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Improves the Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Venous Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial ; P. Molski, et al. Arch Med Sci 2013; 9, 3: 452-458.
The New Era of the Lymphatic System: No Longer Secondary to the Blood Vascular System ; I. Choi, et al. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2012; 2:a006445.
Comparison of MLD Therapy and Connective Tissue Massage in Women with Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Controlled Trial; Gamze Ekici, PT,PhD et. al. 2009; National University of Health Sciences (Turkey)
Manual Lymph Drainage Efficiently Reduces Postoperative Facial Swelling and Discomfort After Removal of Impacted Third Molars ; G. Szolnoky, et al. Lymphology 40. 2007. 138-142.
Prospective RCT of MLD for the Reduction of Hand Edema after Distal Radius Fracture; British J. of Hand Therapy, June 20, 2006, 11:41-47.
Effect of MLD after Hindfoot Operations; Physiotherapy Research International, 2003.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy: An Integral Component of Postoperative Care in Plastic Surgery Patients; Casas, L., DePoli, P., The First Annual Conference of the American Society of Lymphology, August 21-22, 1999.
Treatment of Leg Edema and Wounds in a Patient with Severe Musculoskeletal Injuries; Weiss, J. Physical Therapy 78.10, October 1998, 1104-1113.
MLD and Cancer
MLD in Patients with Tumoral Activity; J. of Phlebology and Lymphology; Flor et al. (Guayaquil-Euador) 2009
Manipulative Therapy of Secondary Lymphedema in the Presence of Locoregional Tumors; Wiley InterScience, Pinell, X. 2007
Real-time Imaging of Tumor-Cell Shedding and Trafficking in Lymphatic Channels; Cancer Research, Hayashi, K. et al, 2007
Tumor and lymph node lymphangiogenesis-impact on cancer metastasis; Journal of Leukocyte Biology, Tobler, N. et al, 2006
Can Manual Treatment of Lymphedema Promote Metastasis; J.Soc Integr Oncol, Godette, K. et al, 2005
Tracing the Steps of Metastasis; Science, Couzin, J. 2003
Metastasis to Bone- Causes, Consequences and Therapeutic Opportunities; Nature Reviews-Cancer, Mundy, G. 2002
Lymphatic Function, Lymphangiogenesis, and Cancer Metastasis; Microscopy Research and Technique, Swartz, M. et al, 2001
Could Massage Therapy Promote Cancer Metastasis; Massage Therapy Journal, Curties, D. 2000
Cancer and Massage; Massage Therapy Journal; Cheryl Chapman and Eileen Kennedy, Fall 2000
Mechanisms of Human Tumor Metastasis Studied in Patients with Peritoneovenous Shunts; Cancer Research, Tarin, D. et al, 1984
Observations of Lymph Node Metastases; Metastatic Tumor Growth, Wallace, A. et al, 1980
NLN Position Papers
Screening and Measurement for Early Detection of Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema
Exercise for Patients with Lymphedema
Risk Reduction Practices for Lymphedema
Risk Reduction Practices for Lymphedema (Spanish Version)