Gabriele Erbacher
Clinical Psychologist
Foeldi Clinic
A Look into the Psychological Treasure Chest of Lymphology

Saturday, May 4, 8:10am – 10:00am
This presentation will provide a variety of helpful tools that will make lymphedema treatment easier, more joyful, and more successful. It will explain the importance of evaluating one’s own attitudes towards obesity and lipedema and suggest ways to talk with patients in a respectful way that encourages behavioral changes. Good questions can “taste like kisses;” they can open minds, help to find new perspectives, wake up sleeping resources and create new solutions. Tools will be provided for shifting focus away from symptoms and problems towards resources and solutions. Methods for avoiding professional burn-out will also be discussed.
- Describe a respectful way of talking about obesity with a patient.
- Explain a patient´s influence on reducing their own pain in lipedema.
- Describe at least one method for helping a patient to shift focus away from solely on symptoms and problems towards solutions.
- Identify symptoms of therapist burnout.
- List recommended daily self-care techniques or psychohygiene that can help protect against therapist burnout.
Bainbridge, L., Davidson, K., & Loranger, L. Burnout among Alberta physiotherapists: A white paper. November 14, 2017.
Bertsch T, Erbacher G. Lipödem – Mythen und Fakten Teil 1 (Lipoedema – Myths and Facts Part 1). Phlebologie 2018; 47: 84–92.
Bertsch T, Erbacher G. Lipödem – Mythen und Fakten Teil 2 (Lipoedema – Myths and Facts Part 2). Phlebologie 2018; 47: 120-126.
Bertsch T, Erbacher G. Lipödem – Mythen und Fakten Teil 3 (Lipoedema – Myths and Facts Part 3). Phlebologie 2018; 47: 188-197.
Bertsch T, Erbacher G, Torio-Padron N. Lipödem – Mythen und Fakten Teil 4 (Lipoedema – Myths and Facts Part 4). Phlebologie. 2019; 48: 1-10. (English Version will be published in February 2019)
Bertsch T. Obesity-related Lymphoedema – underestimated and undertreated. Phlebologie. 2018; 47(02): 75-83.
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About the Presenter

Gabriele is also passionate about using an integrative and holistic approach during rehabilitation treatment of cancer patients. She first formalized her interest during her last year of studies at the University of Freiburg, when she carried out a study at the Tumor Biology Center Freiburg (Germany) that explored the efficacy of this approach. The results were presented by Senior Psychologist Dr. Joachim Weis at the 3rd World Congress of Psycho-Oncology in New York in 1997.
Gabriele started her career at the Institute for Rehabilitation Research and Quality Management Scheidegg and the Oncology Department at Paracelsus Clinic in Scheidegg (Germany) where she offered psychotherapy to cancer patients and supervised lymph therapists and other physiotherapists. Gabriele then worked in several other oncological clinics, including the Biomed Clinic, Friedenweiler, which uses an integrative approach that combines complementary methods with conservative cancer treatment. While working in a psychosomatic clinic, Gabriele organized a therapy group for patients dealing with chronic pain.
Gabriele has lectured at several German lymphology conferences and organized workshops for patient support groups and for therapists. Gabriele is the co-author of “Lipedema – Myths and Facts,” a series of articles she published together with Dr. Tobias Bertsch of the Foeldi Clinic.
Gabriele´s qualifications (certifications?) in psychotherapy include:
- European Certificate of Psychotherapy (EAP)
- Psycho-Oncology (ZIST)
- Systemic Therapy and Family Therapy (IGST and SG)
- Clinical Hypnosis (M.E.G.), International Certificate of Hypnosis (ESH)
- EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) (EMDRIA)
- PEP® (Process- and Embodiment-Focused Psychology) by Dr. M. Bohne
- Supervision (HSI)