Prof. Etelka Foeldi
Prof. Etelka Foeldi, MD

Physician-in-Chief of the Foeldi Clinic

Expect the Unexpected:
A Lymphedema Case Study

Friday, May 3, 11:10am – 11:40am

Prof. Etelka Foeldi is an internationally-recognized authority on clinical lymphedema and lymphatic disorders. She received her medical training with a focus on internal medicine and research at the University of Szeged, Hungary. In 1969, Prof. Foeldi immigrated with her husband, Prof. Michael Foeldi, MD, to Germany where she continued research and received her specialization in internal medicine. Both Profs. Foeldi established the Foeldi Clinic, Center for Lymphology in Feldberg, Germany in 1978. In 1986, the Foeldi Clinic moved to its current location Hinterzarten, Germany. Prof. Foeldi received her Professorship from the University of Freiburg, Germany in 2006.

Prof. Foeldi continues to serve as Medical Director of the Foeldi Clinic which specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with lymphedema and lipedema. Prof. Foeldi previously served as president of the German Society of Lymphology and was a member of the International Advisory Committee to the National Lymphedema Network (NLN). She is also a past president of the International Society of Lymphology (ISL) and is co-editor-in-chief of the textbook, Foeldi’s Textbook of Lymphology.

Following her presentation, Prof. Foeldi will be presented with Klose Training’s Lifetime Achievement Award.