Hilton Zamalek Residences
21 Mohammed Mazhar, Zamalek
Cairo Governorate 11211
George A. Banoub Msc PT, CLT -LANA
Instructor Bios & Faculty Page
Full Course Description
$1500 (USD) for residents of Egypt
$2300 (USD) for all other countries
There are two options for registration & payment for the courses at the MENA & Africa please choose only one.
Option 1: Send a bank transfer using the information found here. Then send a photo of the payment receipt to george@klosetraining.com
Option 2: Register online with a credit card by clicking here.
Cairo International Airport (CAI)
Ground Transportation:
You may arrange with the Hilton to pick you up or Uber is also available from the airport.
For directions, please visit Mapquest or Google Maps.
Helpful Websites:
City Information
Taxi Fare Finder