Földi Clinic Hinterzarten, Germany

May 12 — 17, 2025 (Option 1)
May 16 — 21, 2025 (Option 2)


Klose Training is pleased to present 2 exciting Lymphedema Therapy Advanced and Review classes in 2025. Classes are held at the Földi Clinic in Hinterzarten, Germany in cooperation with the Földi College in Freiburg, Germany. This time, our Advanced and Review class will be combined with the International Földi Days, a 2-day conference with high quality presentations and additional workshops.

General Information and Accommodations (2025)

Course Description

Course Option 1: Start with our 3 1/2-day Lymphedema Advanced and Review (A&R) class (taught in English) which is held annually at the world-renowned Földi Clinic in beautiful Hinterzarten, Germany. This course is available to health care professionals from around the world who are certified in lymphedema therapy. Part of the emphasis this year will be on patient evaluation and the treatment of patients with multicausal lymphedema and lipedema. We’ll also take “A Look into the Psychological Treasure Chest in Lymphology.” This presentation will provide a variety of helpful tools that will make lymphedema treatment easier, more joyful, and more successful. Methods for avoiding professional burn-out will also be discussed. Participants will have an opportunity to observe expert lymphedema therapists of the Földi Clinic in their treatment rooms. In addition, students will be given the unique opportunity to discuss their own difficult-to-treat lymphedema cases with Dr. Uschi Walz Eschenlohr, MD and a panel of expert lymphedema therapists.

After 3 1/2 days of course activities, you’ll enjoy a 1/2 day off to explore the beautiful environment of the Black Forest.

The International Földi Days are on Friday and Saturday, May 16 – 17, another highlight of this A&R course offer and will feature international experts in the field of lymphedema and lipedema therapy. This portion of the course is offered in nearby Titisee, which is only a 4-minute train ride from Hinterzarten or a 3.5 km (45-minute) walk through a beautiful forest/nature preserve.

Course Option 2: Students registering for course option 2 will enjoy the same curriculum as in option 1. However, course option 2 will start with International Földi Days, on Friday and Saturday, May 16 – 17, and resume with the A&R curriculum after 1/2 day of rest and relaxation. See preliminary course curriculum below.

Course Educational Level: Advanced
Instructional Methods: Lecture, discussion, and observation, and hands-on.

AOTA Klose Training is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. PD activity approval ID# xxxxx. This live activity is offered at 4.0 CEUs, advanced, OT Service Delivery, Foundational Knowledge. AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures.

Option 1 Curriculum (2025)

Option 2 Curriculum (2025)

Course Objectives (2025)

Faculty (2025)

Class Times


Disability Accommodations



Student Agreement

Certificate/Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)

Travel and Accommodations