NOTE: The conversion of Klose Training course contact hours to CEUs varies by state.
The information below is accurate as of the time it was researched. It is the responsibility of the individual therapist to know the current continuing education requirements for maintaining their license.
If you practice in a state that requires continuing education and your state is not listed below, contact your profession’s state board to inquire whether they have a reciprocal agreement with one of the listed states.
Alternately, many states have an individual application for CEU’s. Links are provided below for some PT applications. If your state isn’t listed, contact your state board. For individual applications, you will find most, if not all, the information you need to complete your application on our website or in the information provided with your student pack including instructor biography, course objectives, course schedule, etc. However, if you need further documentation, we are happy to provide the necessary materials. Contact for more information or documentation.
Physical Therapists - Approved Courses
Arizona: Any of the Klose Training courses that has been directly approved by one of the states listed in this section qualifies for Category A continuing education hours.
California: The Lymphedema Therapy Certification Course is approved for 6.0 CEUs/60 contact hrs by the California Physical Therapy Association. CPTA #25-102. 3/6/25 – 3/6/26.
Colorado: All of Klose Training’s courses meet the criteria for a Category 1 learning activity. For State Board regulations, click here.
Connecticut: Connecticut law does not specifically identify qualifying continuing education courses, nor does the Department of Public Health pre-approve CE courses.
Georgia: The Georgia Board of Physical Therapy puts the responsibility on the licensee to ensure the continuing education course they take meets the requirements outlined in Rule 490-4-.02 and Policy #7. CEUs must be self-reported through aPTitude.
Illinois: All courses are approved for physical therapy continuing education by the State of Illinois, Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. License No. 216.000176. Expires 09/30/2026. CE contact hours are as specified by Klose Training & Consulting.
Indiana: The Indiana Board of Physical Therapy accepts any course that has been approved by another state’s APTA. See the answer to Question 13 here.
Iowa: According to the Iowa Board of Physical and Occupational Therapy, there is no pre-appoval requirement. Therapists must be able to show proof of completion of a course/event that meets the general requirements of the Board.
Kansas: According to the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, there is no pre-approval requirement. Therapists must be able to show proof of completion of a course/event that meets the general requirements of the Board.
Kentucky: The Kentucky Board of Physical Therapy accepts any course that has been approved by another state’s Board or APTA. See Section 2.2.a.
Maine: Maine Law does not require continuing education for Physical Therapists. Click here for more information.
Maryland: The Lymphedema Therapy Certification course is approved by the Maryland Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for 60 contact hours (6.0 CEUs). Expires 01/15/29. The Breast Cancer Rehabilitation course is approved by the Maryland Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for 15.5 contact hours (1.55 CEUs). Expires 03/12/2025.
Massachusetts: Massachusetts accepts CEUs from any course that has been approved by another state board of physical therapy.
Michigan: Michigan accepts CEUs from any course that has been approved by another state board of physical therapy.
Minnesota: The Lymphedema Therapy Certification course is approved by the Minnesota Board of Physical Therapy for 56.75 CEUs. 01/09/2025–01/08/2026.
Missouri: Therapists are responsible for ensuring that the continuing education they complete meets the criteria specified in their Code of State Regulations, 20 CSR 2150-3.203.
Montana: The Montana Board of PT does not pre-approve any activities or sponsors for CE hours/credits. Through our approval with several other state PT boards, Klose Training’s courses are approved in Montana as Category A activities. Click here for more information.
New Jersey: The Lymphedema Therapy Certification course is approved by the New Jersey Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for 135 CEUs. Approval Number 2502-44. 02/01/2025–01/31/2026. The Lymphedema Therapy Skill Builder course is approved by the New Jersey Board of Physical Therapy Examiners for 30 CEUs. Approval Number 2502-59. 02/01/2025–01/31/2026.
New Mexico: Licensees are not required to obtain approval of a continuing education course, but if they’re unsure if a course is acceptable for continuing education, they can seek approval from the New Mexico Board of Physical Therapy at no cost. The Board automatically accepts any course that has been approved by another state’s APTA within the last three years. Details.
New York: Klose Training is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board of Physical Therapy as an approved
provider of physical therapy and physical therapist assistant continuing education. 01/24/25–01/23/28.
All Klose courses are approved for physical therapy continuing education by New York State Education Department’s State Board of Physical Therapy. CE contact hrs are as specified by Klose Training & Consulting.
North Carolina: Klose Training is considered an approved provider of continuing education in North Carolina by virtue of it being approved by other state APTA organizations or Boards.
Oklahoma: The Lymphedema Therapy Certification course has been approved by the Oklahoma State Board of Medical Licensure & Supervision for 60 continuing education hours, Expires 01/31/2026. Course #20-1162350. The Breast Cancer Rehabilitation course is registered with the Oklahoma State Board of Medical Licensure & Supervision for 16 continuing education hours. Course #20-1242276. The Breast Cancer Rehabilitation II course is registered with the Oklahoma State Board of Medical Licensure & Supervision for 16 continuing education hours. Course #20-1242280.
Oregon: The Oregon Physical Therapy Licensing Board accepts for CEUs any courses approved by other state approving entities. See Rule 1b.
Pennsylvania: The State Board now accepts any course that has been approved by another state’s APTA.
South Carolina: There is no pre-approval requirement. Therapists are responsible for ensuring that any CE course they take meets the legislature’s requirements as outlined under 101-07, Section 3.
Tennessee: Tennessee accepts CEUs from any course that has been approved by another state board of physical therapy.
Virginia: Any of our courses that have been approved by another state’s APTA chapter is approved as a Type 1 activity. Any of our courses that have not been pre-approved by another state’s APTA chapter meets the standard for Type 2 continuing education credits. PT’s can apply 10 hours of Type 2 activities biennially towards their total required CEUs; PTA’s can use 15.
Washington: Washington State Department of Health does not require pre-approval of courses but therapists must maintain records as specified in case of audit.
Wisconsin: Klose Training’s courses meet the qualifications for approval for CEUs as outlined in the Wisconsin Code.
Wyoming: Any course that has been approved by another state’s APTA organization is approved for CEUs in Wyoming.
Physical Therapists - Individual CEU Approval Applications
Florida: Administered by the Florida APTA. If the application is submitted prior to the course or within 60 days of completion of the course, the fee is $30 for 1-9 contact hours, $50 for 10 or more hours. The cost is $100 if the application is submitted later than 60 days after the class. Click here for information about individual applications.
Kentucky: For any course that has not be approved by another state’s Board, apply for approval online here. There is a $15 fee.
Minnesota: For courses not pre-approved by the Minnesota Board of Physical Therapy, individuals can apply directly to the Board for approval of CE hours for a $100.00 fee per course.
Nevada:The State requires that the course provider submit for pre-approval. There is no application process for individual therapists.
New Jersey: Klose Training’s courses are not preapproved for CE credit with the New Jersey Board of Physical Therapy Examiners; however, in general, our courses meet the requirements set forth in N.J.A.C. 13:39A-9 et seq. If you are selected to participate in the continuing education audit, you can submit courses that have not been pre-approved by the Board and the Board will determine at that time (when you are audited) whether the course or courses meet the requirements as set forth in N.J.A.C. 13:39A-9 et seq. and may be granted credit. Courses that are not pre-approved by the Board are not guaranteed to be granted continuing education credit. Click here or email for more information.
North Carolina: For courses not currently approved by any other state’s chapter of the APTA, individuals can submit this application either in advance or within 90 days of course completion. The cost is $ for NC licensed PT and PTA’s; $150.00 all other applicants.
Ohio: The Ohio Board has authorized the Ohio APTA to approve courses. $25 fee for APTA/OPTA members; $40 for non-members. Locate the application at Approval can be sought before or after completion of the course.
Pennsylvania: The State Board now accepts any course that has been approved by another state’s APTA. PT’s also can apply individually for CEU’s. There is a $40 fee. Click here.
Tennessee: After course completion, PTs can submit for CEU approval here. $10 for APTA members; $30 for non-members.
Texas: The individual application fee is $40. Click here for more information (scroll towards the bottom of the page).
West Virginia: PT’s can apply individually for CEU’s to the West Virginia Board of Physical Therapy. $15 fee. Click here.
Occupational Therapists

To calculate AOTA CEUs, round the contact hours down to the nearest half hour and then divide by 10. Example: 3.75 contact hrs is rounded down to 3.5 hrs. 3.5 contact hours divided by 10 = .35 AOTA CEUs.
Most, but not all, State Boards of Occupational Therapy grant CEUs for courses pre-approved by the AOTA. For the latest list of states that accept AOTA-approved courses, please click here. If you are an occupational therapist in a state that does not automatically accept AOTA-approved courses, please contact your State Board to learn how to receive CEUs.
California: The California Board of Occupational Therapy does not require pre-approval of CE courses. Therapists must retain their certificate of completion for four years. Click here for details.
Colorado: The Colorado Board does not require pre-approval of courses. “The licensee shall determine which activities and topics will meet his/her Learning Plan and select appropriate courses and providers.” See Rule 8, Section C2a. (§12-40.5-109.3, C.R.S.)
Michigan: A representative at the Michigan Board of Occupational Therapy confirmed that, because we are an AOTA-approved provider, our courses are approved for CEUs for occupational therapists in Michigan. See page 18 of the Rules.
Massage Therapists
Some of Klose Training’s NCBTMB-approved courses are outside the scope of practice of a massage therapist and are only approved for partial CE credit. These courses are approved only as “advanced science” courses and are strictly for the massage therapist’s advanced development and understanding in interdisciplinary practices. Any Massage Therapist who practices advanced modalities or advises clients in techniques that are outside of the massage therapy scope of practice can lose their license and Board Certification.
Note that the Breast Cancer Rehabilitation II, Strength After Breast Cancer, The Role of Exercise in Lymphedema Management, and Wound Management for Lymphedema Therapists online courses are not approved for CE credit by the NCBTMB.
Please email with questions about CE approvals.
Alabama: The Manual Lymph Drainage Certification Course has been approved for 45 CEUs by the Alabama Board of Massage Therapy.
Arkansas: The Manual Lymph Drainage Certification Course has been approved for 45 CEUs by the Arkansas State Board of Massage Therapy. Course Approval Certification No. 2010-118. No expiration.
California: There are currently no continuing education requirements for massage therapists in California.
Florida: The Manual Lymph Drainage Certification Course has been approved for 45 CEUs by the Florida Board of Massage Therapy. CEBroker Provider No. 14065, Course Tracking No. 539267.
The Breast Cancer Rehabilitation course has been approved for 16 CEUs by the Florida Board of Massage Therapy. CEBroker Provider No. 14065, Course Tracking No. 20-583976.
Georgia: The Manual Lymph Drainage Certification Course has been approved for 45 CEUs by the Georgia Board of Massage Therapy. CEBroker Provider No. 14065, Course Tracking No. 539267. The Lymphedema Therapy Certification Course has been approved for 135 CEUs by the Georgia Board of Massage Therapy. CEBroker Provider No. 14065, Course Tracking No. 20-558565.
Louisiana: The Board does not recognize courses approved by the NCBTMB but individual massage therapists can submit an application for course approval. The fee is $50. The application must be presented during the year in which CEU credit is sought.
Manitoba, Canada: The Lymphedema Therapy Certification course has been approved for 135 primary credits by the Massage Therapy Association of Manitoba, Inc. The approval of this course for continuing competency credits by the MTAM Education and Competency Committee does not represent an endorsement of the course or any products or services promoted within the course. Expiration 07/14/19
New York: Klose Training is sponsored by NCBTMB to teach the Manual Lymph Drainage course to New York LMTs for continuing education for license renewal.
EXAMPLE: A nurse from Kansas applied for CEUs with the Kansas State Board of Nursing by submitting a Kansas-specific application after completing the Upper Extremity Lymphedema Therapy Certification course. There was no charge and she received 50 CEUs.